Sunday, February 3, 2008
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With both the bowl and mystery bag food (possibly some sort of sweet bread?) gone, the subject slowly sips his beverage, Suddenly rising and walking along the edge of the room, before suddenly disappearing behind the counter. Presumably he is employed there.
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Subject eats, slowly at first but with increasing passion, finally tossing garbage into rubbish bin behind him without leaving his seat. He then removes a mysterious beige food wrapped in cellophane and eats that as well.
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Sits at table in corner directly right of the main entrance. Periodically toys with iPod on lanyard. Slowly picks at burrito bowl.
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Man (early twenties, black hair styled up and forwards, wire rimmed glasses) walks up to counter. Orders in Spanish, chats with server. Subject also speaks french and x other unknown languages. Orders a burrito bowl, black beans, not pinto.