Sunday, March 30, 2008

Re:Score 3 [Video Feedback]

Did you like the repurposing of old unused loops? I did.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Paul Slocum is the most baller shit ever

I feel foolish saying that my favorite piece in the show was Slocum's "Combat Rock" but I have no other option. "Combat Rock" was probably the biggest, brightest and loudest piece there. From the far end of the corridor the hacked music tracks called out for attention, and I was helpless to resist. The candy colors of the spinning tanks only served to sweeten the deal. "Combat Rock" tapped into something very basic in me. As I stated previously, I feel sort of foolish for liking it; this is because I like it for the same reasons young kids like those popcorn poppers they can push around. It was the most basic sort of fun you could look for. It was loud and bright and perfect.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rescore 2

Bici Forbes: Become Invisible
a] by hiding
b] by divesting yourself of all distinguishing marks
c] by going away
d] by sinking through the floor
e] by becoming someone else
f] by concentrating so hard on some object or idea that you cease to be aware of your physical presence
g]by distracting everybody else from your physical presence
h] by ceasing to exist

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Interface Inyerface

Multimedia message

With both the bowl and mystery bag food (possibly some sort of sweet bread?) gone, the subject slowly sips his beverage, Suddenly rising and walking along the edge of the room, before suddenly disappearing behind the counter. Presumably he is employed there.

Multimedia message

Subject eats, slowly at first but with increasing passion, finally tossing garbage into rubbish bin behind him without leaving his seat. He then removes a mysterious beige food wrapped in cellophane and eats that as well.

Multimedia message

Sits at table in corner directly right of the main entrance. Periodically toys with iPod on lanyard. Slowly picks at burrito bowl.

Multimedia message

Pays. Goes to drink station, gets large soda. Burrito bowl is in to go bag.

Multimedia message

Man (early twenties, black hair styled up and forwards, wire rimmed glasses) walks up to counter. Orders in Spanish, chats with server. Subject also speaks french and x other unknown languages. Orders a burrito bowl, black beans, not pinto.

Monday, January 28, 2008